south african university law clinics association
169-685 NPO

Part 1: The nature of lecturing duties undertaken by clinic staff of 17 Law Clinics during 2016
Part 2: Do you require clinic clients to pay (during 2016)?
Part 6: Does your clinic operate a satellite clinic?
Part 7: Law Clinics handling criminal cases during 2016
Part 8: Summary of all cases (civil and criminal) handled in 2016 by 17 Law Clinics
Part 9: Student training and clinical law programme at 17 Law Clinics during 2016
Part 11: The main challenges faced by clinics during 2016
Part 12: What is the main content of your clinical law curriculum (during 2016)?
Part 13: Law Clinics and Legal Services at 17 Law clinics during 2016- Quality Assurance Measures
Part 15: Research and Publications by Law Clinic's clinicians during 2016