south african university law clinics association
169-685 NPO

Meet the team
Eddie Hanekom
President of SAULCA

Eddie previously specialised in Road Accident Fund claims, and handled other personal injury claims, criminal cases and matrimonial law. He has been practicing and teaching in Clinical Legal Education at the Universities of Johannesburg and Pretoria respectively for more than a decade. He is an instructor for The Law Society of SA and LEAD. His interest in law clinics was ‘almost by accident’. While studying towards an LLM degree in 2001, this awoke an interest in a possible academic career, following his appointment as the Director of the UJ law clinic in 2007.
University Law Clinic (and position): Director: University of Pretoria Law Clinic
Sports Law is a specific interest.
Years in practice: 30
Where you worked previously: After doing his articles in 1988 to 989 at Couzyn Hertzog and Horak and thereafter at Dr. PJ Kotzé & Partners, he was admitted as an attorney on 26 March 1991. He was subsequently employed at the Multilateral Motor Vehicle Accident Fund, being only the second admitted attorney to be employed by this institution. In 1996 he started a private law firm in Hatfield, Pretoria, first practicing as Eddie Hanekom Attorneys, and later in partnership under the name of Hanekom-Grobler Attorneys in Pretoria. He continues to practice as an Attorney of the High Court of South Africa in Gauteng.
Interest in social justice/ students: There is a massive need in South Africa for pro bono legal services and it is really satisfying to assist those that are indigent, poor or marginalised on a pro bono basis. It is also very gratifying to protect clients' rights, regardless of whether it is a public interest, human rights or basic grassroots litigation issue. Student training is hard work but it is wonderful to see them progressing from only theoretical knowledge to developing some practical skills in the space of a year.
Why SAULCA: This organisation and its predecessor, AULAI, over the years created a new awareness of the legal needs of the poor in society and the value of Clinical Legal Education as a teaching method. Through SAULCA there is also a much better understanding of what law clinics do and the opportunity to engage with the government and the Legal Practice Council. During the COVID-19 lockdown, it also became clear that SAULCA can influence some regulatory decisions.
Something interesting about yourself: Actively participates in parachuting and skydiving from airplanes, and until a few years ago, used to compete in race walking events.
Anything extra that you wish to include: An avid animal lover and a supporter of animal rights and animal rescue organisations.
Shamiel jassiem
Treasurer of SAULCA

Shamiel Jassiem is the Director of the Law Clinic and Senior Lecturer at the University of Western Cape. He holds an LLB and LLM (Constitutional Law) degree. He is an admitted attorney of the High Court of South Africa and specializes in criminal law and have served on the SAULCA executive previously. He was the president of SAULCA 2018-2019 term and a trustee of the AULAI Trust.
Shaun Bergover
Additional member currently responsible for coordinating the Stats Project.

Position at SAULCA: Additional member currently responsible for coordinating the Stats Project.
University Law Clinic: Rhodes University Law Clinic, Attorney
Years in practice: Three and a half
Where you worked previously: Ethekwini Municipality, NBC and Legal Resources Centre
Interest in social justice/ students: Worked in land, housing and environmental law at the Legal Resources Centre
Why SAULCA: I love the work that law clinics do and I want to advance the vision and mission of SAULCA to improve clinics and ultimately the lives of clients.
Something interesting about yourself: Ballroom dancer and avid gardener
Chrisna nicholson
Additional executive member currently responsible for the SAULCA website.

Chrisna started her legal career at the Law Clinic as a candidate attorney. She firmly believes that clinicians have the most gratifying job as we provide hope and access to justice to those who would not otherwise be able to afford it. She has a masters degree in Labour Law. Her areas of interest includes: civil litigation and specifically matters affecting the care and well-being of children.University Law Clinic (and position): North-West University, Potchefstroom Law Clinic, Director
Years in practice: 10 years
Interest in law clinics: Clinical legal education, access to justice, justice for children, staff development.
Interest in social justice/ students: inculcating awareness of social justice issues experienced by poor and vulnerable members of society.
Why SAULCA: to provide a support base for all Law Clinics and clinicians thereby ensuring that all law graduates have adequate knowledge and practical experience for entry into the legal profession.
Something interesting about yourself: I am passionate about nature conservation and am a member of the SANParks Honorary Rangers. I also coach Ringball at the North-West University and district and national level.
Jonathan Campbell
Member of the SAULCA Executive Committee

Jonathan’s primary interest has been the development of the Rhodes University Law Clinic to a point at which it has an intensive, live-client clinical legal education programme and a an extensive outreach programme via about 40 community-based paralegal advice offices throughout the Eastern Cape Province. An especially exciting aspect is the development of staff, in particular young legal practitioners and candidate legal practitioners. A personal challenge and interest has been the research that he has conducted in legal education, clinical legal education and consumer law.
University Law Clinic (and position): Rhodes University Law Clinic, Director
Years in practice: 24 years
Where you worked previously: Dean, Faculty of Law, Rhodes University (2009-2014)
Interest in law clinics: Clinical legal education, access to justice, professional staff development
Interest in social justice/ students: Promoting social justice aspirations in our law students.
Why SAULCA: A vehicle for promoting law clinics as a collective nationally, in particular with important national stakeholders (e.g. the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Development); a collegial support base for individual clinicians and clinics who might otherwise operate in relative isolation.
Something interesting about yourself: I love outdoor activities and exercise, and long for more and more people to discover the same, especially given that we are much safer out of doors in the current Covid-19 crisis!
GökŞEN Effendi
General Secretary

Gökşen has a passion for social justice and was awarded the Lawrence Miller Award for service for her commitment to community engagement. She served her articles at the University of Cape Town Law Clinic and continued to work there as an attorney until moving to Johannesburg. She is a guest lecturer and has been involved in numerous training workshops. She has a LLM in human rights, focusing on veil regulation within three jurisdictions. Her areas of interest is civil litigation, alternative dispute resolution, property and family law, more specifically religious and customary laws.
University Law Clinic: University of Johannesburg Law Clinic, Attorney
Years in practice: Six
Where you worked previously: University of Cape Town Law Clinic
Interest in social justice/ students: Law Clinics are able to provide both access to justice and the training of law students. Through clinical legal education and simulation we are able to better prepare our future lawyers to not only practice law but to do so ethically. In doing so we can only hope that our students never forget to give back and promote access to justice.
Why SAULCA: SAULCA has the potential to transform clinical legal education and provide shared resources, promoting the growth and transformation of all Law Clinics in South Africa.
Something interesting about yourself: I am a filmmaker turned lawyer.